6 Surprising Benefits of Plant-Based Diet High In Fiber!

Medically reviewed by Mary Ahern MS, RDN, RYT June 03, 2024| Written by Shahid Bashir

6 Surprising Benefits of Plant-Based Diet High In Fiber!

A plant-based diet fulfills the body's nutrient demands and offers various health benefits. Plant sources give you a variety of necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbs, lipids, vitamins, and minerals. 

The food you get from plants is in its natural form with minimal or no processing involved. Processing includes adding a variety of artificial ingredients to natural food to enhance the taste or to improve the shelf life. When food items undergo processing, the addition of ingredients makes them significantly high inunhealthy salts and overallcalories.

As plant-based foods are minimally processed, they are an excellent choice to prefer as your energy source. The most common sources of plant-based diet are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils, and whole grains.

You may need clarification about the difference between a plant-based diet and a vegan diet, as there is no clear boundary between them. 

In simple terms, a plant-based diet includes eating whole plant foods with little to no processing. It doesn’t necessarily mean altogether avoiding food that has an animal source. In contrast, being vegan means you must strictly follow a diet with no animal source. 

The benefits of a plant-based diet lie in the fact that plant sources efficiently meet body nutrient needs. A plant-based diet high in minimally processed ingredientsreduces the risk of various illnesses and lowers the need for healthcare services. By adopting a healthy plant-based diet, you can manage your weight gain, heart issues, diabetes, and high blood pressure. This can lead to an improvement in your overall quality of life. 

While plant sources constitute essential vitamins and minerals that improve the body's overall physiology, thefibers set plant sources apart from others. In the article, you will learn how a plant-based diet high in fiber can shockingly improve your health and wellness. 

1. Fiber: A Key Component of Plant-Based Nutrition

Fibers are classified ascarbohydrates. But, unlike other carbohydrates, your body can’t break them into simple sugar molecules. Instead, fibers enter the body through diet and leave the body in the form of stool without digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). This ability of fibers to pass through the body without digestion helps regulatenormal sugar levels

Fibers are commonly studied in two classifications based on their solubility i.e., soluble and insoluble fibers. These different types of fiber have different roles in the body.

Soluble fibers dissolve in water and maintainlow cholesterol levels. Common soluble fiber sources include seeds, nuts, oatmeal, and beans. 

Meanwhile, insoluble fibers do not dissolve in water and help in the smooth flow of food through the digestive tract. Insoluble fibers preventdigestive system problems, likeconstipation. You can source insoluble fibers from leafy green vegetables, wheat bran, seeds, and various plant-based sources. 

2. Fiber Improves Digestive Health

If you have an impaired digestive system, the odds are that you are not consuming enough plant-based foods, especially fiber. Fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system by regulating the weight and size of stool formation.Constipation,diarrhea, andirritable bowel syndrome are the most commondigestive conditions you can help treat with a balanced fiber diet. 

Inconstipation, the body produces hard stool, which blocks normal bowel movement. Fiber can not only help prevent this but, if you take insoluble fibers with adequate water, you can treat consumption to normalize the stool density your constipation.  Indiarrhea, there is a watery stool formation, which results in the loss of excess water and electrolytes from the body. Plant-based soluble fibers can relieve this condition by adding bulk to the stool and retaining water in the body. 

Thegut microbiota uses fiber to make valuable products in the body, includingshort-chain fatty acids. The short-chain fatty acids, as a result, improve the metabolism process and boost theinflammatory responses in the body. 

3. Plant-Based Fiber Diet & Cardiovascular Health

A healthy diet, plant-based, significantly reduces the chance of heart disease. 

Studies suggest a plant-based diet can lower the risk of heart disease and maintain optimal blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Consuming the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables per day has been shown to be beneficial for the heart as well. This may be due in large part to the fiber. 

Fiber in a plant-based diet has a positive influence on your heart health. It lowers the risk of developing heart problems and enhances cardiovascular functioning. The effect is due to fibers' ability to lower thelow-density lipoprotein levels. You can also expect the fiber diet to reduce your blood pressure and inflammation, thus protecting you frompotential heart diseases

4. Plant-Based Fiber Diet & Diabetes

Themanagement of type 2 diabetes includes eating a healthy diet and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet here indicates the presence of whole grains, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other plant-based sources in your meal. 

When you consume a plant-based diet high in fiber, you add very little to your body in terms of added sugar. The fiber content passes through the GIT without undergoing digestion and absorption. 

In this way, it is an excellent diet choice for diabetic patients to regulate blood sugar levels. 

Arecent study shows that a plant-based diet high in fiber is linked to weight loss. Excessive weight is a risk factor for developingtype 2 diabetes, and managing weight with a high-fiber diet may protect you from this risk.

5. Fiber Diet For Weight Loss

Weight gain results when you consume more calories than you burn. Unlike other carbohydrates, fiber passes through the body without releasing calories because it is not digested. The human body lacks enzymes that can break fibers into simpler sugars.

So, if you are at risk of weight gain or want to reduce your body weight, you may want to try including fiber in your diet. You will add fewer calories to your body when eating fiber-rich meals than otherwise. Fiber alsoreduces your appetite, translating to lower calorie consumption overall and decreased body weight. 

Optimum body weight enhances the overall quality of life and prevents you from conditions linked to being overweight, such as type 2 diabetes. 

A study shows that an obese person has a7-fold greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than a normal-weight person. Balanced weight also boosts your confidence and complements your mental health.

6. Fiber Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Among the benefits of Fiber, its role in reducing the chances of certain types of cancers is under study. Somestudies show that fiber improves bowel health and reduces the risk of developing colorectal cancer. There is also a study that indicates that if you consume a sufficient amount of fiber in your diet, you are at a lower risk of developingbreast cancer

However, the exact mechanisms for these findings are still under study, but there is a prominent induction of positive effects of fiber in reducing certain cancers. 

Guide to Plant-Based Diet High in Fiber

There is no denying that a plant-based diet is superior to processed food in attaining optimum health and wellness. Even if you don’t go in-depth into different classes of plant-based food items, it is sure that consuming meals from only plant sources will benefit your body. 

But if you dive deep into the topic, you will know how different carbs, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals make a plant-based diet a healthy option. 

When we discuss the benefits of a plant-based diet, we usually talk about the benefits of a plant-based diet high in fiber. You must remember that not all plant sources have equal fiber, and not all produce the same effects on the body. 

The most common plant-based foods that are high in fiber include vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and oatmeal. The fiber you get from these sources is cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, gums, beta-glucan, and several others. 

Trying to include fiber in every meal is the best way to get the full benefits of fiber. The recommended fiber intake for an average adult male is30 to 38 grams and21 to 25 grams for adult females. However, experts suggest that an average American consumes only15 grams of fiber daily, which is insufficient for optimum body functioning. 


When making a diet plan, you should think about including plant-based items over processed ones. While all the other components in the plant-based diet have a specific role in the body, fiber has the maximum contribution to maintaining a healthy GIT. Fiber is an excellent diet option if you are experiencing an impaired digestive system. Fiber also improves cardiovascular health, blood sugar levels, and weight balance and helps prevent certain types of cancers.

As much as fiber benefits health in different aspects, it is also easy to plan and consume in your diet. Vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts are easily accessible rich sources of fiber. To gain the maximum effects of a plant-based diet high in fiber, you must design abalanced eating plan where you must get all essential nutrients for your body. 

You must consume sufficient liquids to complement your fiber intake. You can also check out our dietitian-backedfree diet plans. But if you need more clarification about designing an optimal diet plan for your body type, consult our dietitian for a detailed analysis.