Medically reviewed by Mary Ahern MS, RDN, RYT August 05, 2024| Written by Godfrey Makonere Wesutsa

Can Anemia Cause Weight Problems?

According to a study by Lancet in 2021, at least 1.92 billion people were anemic globally. So, if indeed it causes weight problems, there are probably many people out there who are obese or losing weight because of anemia. But does anemia cause any weight problems? Here, we will discuss anemia, its causes, treatment plans, and whether it can cause weight gain or loss.

What Happens if You Are Anemic? 

Suffering from anemia means you have low levels of red blood cells. The red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a protein for transporting oxygen to every body part. So, low levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin mean the body will not receive sufficient oxygen, hence affecting its normal functioning.

The impact of anemia can be evident in the signs and symptoms it causes. You will experience the following signs and symptoms of anemia.

  • Fatigue and Body weakness: Due to the low number of red blood cells, coupled with reduced hemoglobin concentration, less oxygen will leave the lungs to different parts of the body. Lack of sufficient oxygen leads to tiredness and body weakness.

  • Shortness of breath: Someone who is anemic has less hemoglobin to carry oxygen from the lungs, hence causingshortness of breath.

  • Headaches: According to astudy conducted in 2022, about 80% of people who are anemic experience headaches. These headaches result from low hemoglobin levels. The iron in hemoglobin helps in facilitating the production of serotonin. Low serotonin levels caused by low hemoglobin levels can lead to headaches or migraines

    Besides, low levels of red blood cells deny the brain a sufficient supply of oxygen, hence altering its normal function and even causing headaches.

  • Chest pain and Arrhythmia: People suffering from anemia have less oxygen reaching their hearts leading to chest pains. The heart of an anemic patient may be forced to pump faster to compensate for low oxygen levels in the blood-causing irregular heartbeat.

  • Irritability: According to a study conducted in 2020 in the Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, iron deficiency causes irritability.

  • Pica: It is a craving for peculiar substances without any nutritional value such as paper, soil, or ice. It is possibly associated withiron deficiency hence a symptom for people with anemia.

  • Pale skin: Due to fewer red blood cells in your body, your skin will turn pale.

  • Lightheadedness: A lack of iron will make you feel lightheaded or dizzy.

What Causes Anemia?

Anemia can be acquired, inherited, or result from other health complications. As a result, there are different types of anemia. To date, there are about 400 types of anemia. They can be classified into three groups:

1) Acquired Anemia

Anemia can be acquired from a health complication or a result of something that happens to you that interferes with the number of red blood cells. The different types of acquired anemia include:

  • Pernicious anemia: Causes a deficiency in vitamin B12, by preventing the absorption of this vitamin in the body.

  • Megaloblastic anemia and macrocytic anemia: They are characterized by the production of abnormally large red blood cells. Some vitamin deficiencies and medical conditions can cause these types of anemia.

  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia: The immune system attacks the red blood cells and destroys them causing anemia.

  • Normocytic anemia: This type of anemia reduces the number of red blood cells in the body.

  • Anemia of chronic diseases: Caused by suffering from a disease that results from chronic inflammation that prevents the body from producing red blood cells. Other chronic diseases that can cause anemia include cancer, liver diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, Thyroid disease, and kidney disease.

2. Inherited anemia

Do you know you can be born with anemia? Below are the different types of inherited anemias:

  • Fanconi anemia: A rare blood disorder that increases the chances of suffering from anemia.

  • Thalassemia: The condition is characterized by the body producing less hemoglobin thus causing anemia.

  • Diamond-Blackfan anemia: The condition prevents your body from making sufficient red blood cells.

  • Sickle cell anemia: In this type of anemia, the red blood cells become stiff and sickle-shaped preventing the flow of blood.

  • Sideroblastic anemia: This condition is a result of unusual iron usage during the development of red blood cells.

  • Hemolytic anemia: If you have this type of anemia, you will have red blood cells that die or break down unusually fast.

  • Aplastic anemia: This condition is caused by the inability of the stem cells in the bone marrow to make sufficient red blood cells.

  • Microcytic anemia: A deficiency in hemoglobin makes your red blood cells smaller, causing this type of anemia.

3. Anemia Caused By Other Chronic Conditions

It is the type of anemia that results from unending inflammation which slows down the bone marrow from producing young red blood cells.

Conditions that lead to this type of anemia include:

Does Anemia Make You Hungry?

Anemiacan make you crave non-nutritious substances like ice, dirt, hair, paint chips, and paper. This is a condition known aspica. Craving for such non-food substances may be due toiron deficiency. This is a condition that is likely to occur in pregnant mothers who have anemia. 

Treatment for iron deficiency using dietary supplements and medication that add iron into the body may reduce the levels of theleptin hormone thus increasing food intake. So, if you are likely to eat more. 

Besides, as more iron gets into the bodyappetite levels increase. So, you are likely to feel hungry.

Do Anemic People Gain Weight Easily?

Anemic people have less red blood cells, so there is little oxygen that is supplied to their body parts. Less oxygen leads to the production of low energy levels that do not support your body in physical activities, which otherwise help in weight management. Prolonged inactivity leads to weight gain.

Also Read: Dietitian-Backed Tips That Can Help You Lose Weight Fast!

Iron deficiency anemia has an impact on themetabolic processes hence leading to weight gain. Without sufficient iron, the metabolic rate slows down hence making it hard to shed the extra weight despite exercising and taking a healthy diet.

Can Anemia Be Cured? 

Yes, but the treatment option will take into consideration the type, cause, and severity of the anemia. Treatment options include the use of dietary supplements, medications, and medical procedures.

Dietary supplements include vitamin b12, folic acid, and iron supplements. Medications for treating anemia includeerythropoietin, which assists the bone marrow in producing more stem cells, and immunosuppressants that prevent your immune system from attacking and destroying red blood cells.

Procedures that can be performed to treat anemia include stem cell transplant, blood transfusion, and surgery.

What Foods are Best for Anemia?

The best foods for anemia are the ones that are rich in iron. The iron-rich foods  include:

  • Seafood
  • Peas
  • Dried fruit
  • Iron-fortified pasta, cereals, and breads
  • Dark green vegetables
  • Red meat
  • Poultry
  • Pork

Foods that contain vitamin C help the body absorb iron. The body will have sufficient dietary iron that will prevent anemia. 

Foods rich in vitamin C include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Tangerines
  • Oranges
  • Leafy greens
  • Broccoli
  • Melons
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Peppers
  • Citrus fruit
  • Potatoes
  • Blackcurrants

Can Diet Contribute to Anemia? 

Iron deficiency that causes anemia can result from malabsorption, which reduces the ability of the body to absorb iron. The malabsorption might be caused by the foods or drinks you are consuming. They include:

  • Grains that contain phytates
  • Coffee
  • Wine
  • Tea
  • Soy proteins

Are Superfood Powders Good for Anemia? 

Superfood powders are dried and ground-up versions of foods that contain high nutritional content. They contain antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that boost the immune system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.One of the minerals the body requires is iron. Iron deficiency is likely to cause anemia.

So, superfood powders that are good sources of iron will be good for anemia. 

What are some of the superfoods that are good for anemia? Our organic greens powder superfood is one option that you can rely on if your anemia is from iron deficiency. It contains leafy greens and spirulina that provide the body with nutrients such as iron. Besides, this powder superfood is soy-free hence does not support malabsorption of iron, reducing the risk of anemia.


Can I do cardio if I’m Anemic?

Cardio which is also referred to as aerobic exercise entails activities that make you breathe a little bit faster. If you are anemic, your body does have low energy levels due to the reduced number of red blood cells.So, you have little energy to engage in exercises that will take a toll on you.

So, you can only engage in moderate cardio exercises such as walking, dancing, swimming, and cycling.

Is Anemia Genetic?

Anemia can either be acquired or inherited. You can acquire this disease as a result of some health complications or inherit it if you hail from a family with a history of anemia. For instance, hemolytic anemia can be passed from a parent to their child. So, it is evident that anemia can be genetic.

Can Stress Cause Anemia?

Stress can have a negative impact both on your physical and mental health. It can lead to nutritional deficiencies, depriving the body of minerals such as iron. Iron deficiency increases the risk of developing anemia. So, yes, there is a correlation between stress and anemia.


People who suffer from anemia either have fewer red blood cells and/or low levels of hemoglobin that cannot supply the body parts with enough oxygen. So, the body will lack sufficient energy to support its normal functioning. This is why people who are anemic tend to be weak, feel tired, and experience shortness of breath.

Anemia is also associated with weight changes. Low hemoglobin concentration affects the production of energy. That is why people who are anemic are likely to be inactive for long hours, hence potentially leading to weight gain. The management of this disease can be through dietary supplements, medications, and medical procedures such as surgery, bone marrow transplant, and surgery.