Medically reviewed by Aaron L Weigmann MD., MS Plastic Surgeon July 22, 2024| Written by Shahid Bashir

What Causes Perianal Abscess and What to Do About It?

A perianal abscess is an uncomfortable condition in which a pus-filled sac develops near the anus. It develops when there is an immune response against an infection in the anus or rectum.

Anal glands are present in the walls of the anal canal — the last part of the gastrointestinal tract that ends on the anus — which can become clogged. These blocked anal glands provide the opportunity for the bacteria to cause infection in the glands. Pus accumulates on the site of infection and results in perianal abscess formation.

Treatment of perianal abscess mainly includes incision and drainage of the abscess. Thecomplications of a perianal abscess include sepsis, fecal incontinence, and fistula formation

According tostudies, about 50% of perianal abscesses can lead to the formation of anal fistula — the formation of an abnormal path from the site of an abscess to the outer skin.

What is the Main Cause of Perianal Abscess?

The primary cause of perianal abscess is the infection in the glands of the anus or rectum. The stool or bacteria gets trapped inside the glands and results in infection. The other common cause is the infected anal fissure — a tear in the anal canal. 

Some common risk factors for the perianal abscessinclude:

How Painful is the Perianal Abscess?

Perianal abscess causes constant pain in the anal area. The pain aggravates during a bowel movement or sitting on any surface. The abscess area appears swollen and red and feels painful to touch. 

Some other signs and symptoms of perianal abscessinclude:

  • Skin irritation around the anus
  • Pus discharge from around the anus
  • Constipation
  • Fever
  • Chills

Can Perianal Abscess Self Resolve?

In most patients, perianal abscesses don’t resolve by themselves and require medical management. It is also not wise to leave the abscess untreated as it can lead to serious complications. 

However, doctors may advise you on some home remedies and lifestyle habits that may reduce the severity of symptoms and improve the condition. 

Studies show that sitz baths effectively heal wounds after the surgical incision and drainage of the perianal abscess. In a sitz bath, a person sits in a tub of water, with their lower body below the pelvis submerged in the water. Sitz baths may also help reduceinflammation, pain, and discomfort before the abscess drainage. 

Regular bowel movements without straining are also essential in preventing perianal abscess complications and promoting recovery. Straining during the bowel movement will put pressure on the abscess and can cause significant swelling and pain. The doctor may advise you to consume stool-softening foods and supplements to reduce strain during bowel movements. 

It is important to remember that while home remedies may help lower discomfort, they are not the effective treatment option for complete recovery from a perianal abscess. 

What is the Most Effective Treatment for Perianal Abscess?

Surgical incision and drainage is thefirst treatment option for perianal abscess in clinical settings. Drainage of small abscesses is significantly less painful and easy to perform. However, the complex and larger perianal abscess require a proper surgical protocol in the hospital. 

In the surgical procedure, an incision is made in the abscess to drain the pus. After drainage, the doctor cleans and covers the area with sterile dressings. If the fistula is present along with the abscess, it is essential to address that, as an untreated fistula increases therecurrence rate of perianal abscess. Afistulotomy is a standard surgical procedure for the eradication of a fistula

After surgery, the patient will be guided about hygiene and othertips for wound care. The doctor may also prescribe painkillers if the patient complains about pain.

Antibiotics alone are not a preferred treatment option for perianal abscess. However, antibiotics can be effective for complete recovery after the surgical drainage of an abscess, especially in immunocompromised patients.Studies emphasize the use of antibiotics as it can prevent anal fistula formation after surgery.

What Should I Avoid for Perianal Abscess?

When you get to know that you have a perianal abscess, you must learn about factors that can influence your condition. Adopt changes in your habits and diet that help improve the condition and avoid those that can worsen it. 

Here are things that you must avoid for perianal abscess:

1. Poor Hygiene

Poor hygiene can worsen an already-present infection in several ways. If you don’t clean the perianal area properly, bacteria from the fecal matter can accumulate and exacerbate the condition. Poor hygiene may irritate the perianal area, leading to more pain and discomfort. 

2. Tight Clothing

When managing perianal abscesses, it’s a good idea to avoid tight clothing. It’s because tight clothing can cause irritation when it is in constant contact with the infected area.

Tight and uncomfortable clothing makes the infected area less breathable and more humid.Studies show that less ventilation and a more humid environment increase the likelihood of bacterial buildup and secondary infection. 

3. Low Fiber Diet

Hard stools are difficult to pass and put pressure on the perianal abscess, causing irritation and pain. It is also important to keep the bowel movements strain-free after the surgical drainage of the abscess. It’s because straining during the bowel movement can slow down the wound-healing process.

Also Read: The Crucial Need for Fiber in Our Diets and How Fiber Powders Can Help!

Studies show that a low-fiber diet is a culprit in forming hard stools, which causes straining during bowel movements. 

3. Spicy Foods

Spicy foods can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and the perianal area during bowel movements.Studies show that capsaicin – the main ingredient in spices, can triggerdiarrhea.

Frequent and watery bowel movements in diarrhea will result in irritation of the perianal abscess, worsening the discomfort.

4. Fatty Foods

Studies show that high-fat foods slow digestion and are among the major causes of constipation.Constipation causes straining during bowel movements - which can irritate the perianal abscess and affect the recovery rate. 

Research also shows that fatty foods can triggerinflammation, which can cause further harm to the perianal abscess. 

How to Prevent Perianal Abscess?

Since there are not many direct causes of perianal abscess, you cannot do much to prevent the disease. . But certain factors increase the risk of perianal abscesses and so, avoiding these may lower the risk of abscess formation. 

Here is how you can lower the risk of perianal abscess:

1) Post Operative Care

You’re at a higher risk of developing a perianal abscess if you already had a perianal abscess and underwent surgical drainage. Therisk is even higher if the abscess is not appropriately drained or the hygiene of the wound is compromised.And so, post-operative care is critical to preventing recurrence.

After the surgical procedure, you must clean the wound area and change the sterile dressings regularly.

You can also prevent moisture buildup in the wound area by avoiding tight clothes and improving your bowel habits. This can help prevent bacterial infection at the operated site and reduce the risk of recurrence of perianal abscess. 

2) Quit Smoking

Studies show that smoking is a risk factor for causing perianal abscesses. This is because smokingsuppresses the immune function and can impair wound healing. A compromised immune system fails to prevent the infection of anal glands, which is the primary cause of perianal abscess. 

3) Manage IBD

If you have an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) like Crohn’s disease that causesinflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, you are at a higher risk of developing perianal abscess.Studies show that the incidence of perianal abscess is 10 to 43% among individuals with Crohn’s disease

Although there is no permanent cure for Crohn’s disease, you can manage the condition with several treatment options available. Managing the conditionlowers the risk of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and may prevent perianal abscesses. 

4) Manage Diabetes

Research shows that the incidence of perianal abscesses is higher among people with type 2 diabetes.Studies reveal that high blood sugar in diabetic patients causes immune dysfunction and increases the frequency of infections. 

Managing blood glucose levels in a normal range helps against infection and can be beneficial in preventing perianal abscesses.

Related Link: Diabetes Friendly Meal Plan!

5) Fiber-Rich Foods

Fiber-rich foods improve gastrointestinal health and prevent constipation. Fiber prevents constipation byadding bulk to stool and causes strain-free bowel movements. Strain-free bowel movements result in less pressure in the perianal region, which helps prevent abscesses. 

Also Read: 21 Easy Ways to Get More Fiber in Your Diet!

Preventing constipation is also important to promote wound healing after surgical drainage of the abscess. Fiber also hasanti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent abscess formation. 

Plant-based foods andpowdered fiber are the two convenient ways to integrate fiber into your diet for perianal abscesses.

What Foods are Best for Perianal Abscess?

Here are some foods best for perianal abscess:

1. Green Vegetables

Green vegetables arerich in fiber, which can help regulate bowel movements. Fiber softens the stool and makes bowel movements less straining and pain-free for the perianal abscess. 

Plant-based foods such as green vegetables contain plenty ofantioxidants which can help against inflammation

2. Hydrating Foods

Watermelon, strawberries, and cucumbers have a water proportion above 90%.Studies show that sufficient water intake helps form soft stools and prevents constipation.

Also Read: Shocking Effects of Dehydration - Tips to Up Your Water Game!

Water-rich foods will keep you hydrated and prevent discomfort in perianal abscesses by promoting strain-free bowel movements.

3. Probiotic Foods

Probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut can help in managing perianal abscesses.Studies show that probiotics improve the gastrointestinal health and boost the immune function.

Also Read: 10 Probiotic Foods That You Should be Eating for Your Gut!

Probiotics are also effective against pathogenic bacteria and canprevent infections


1) Can constipation cause a perianal abscess?

Constipation causes straining during bowel movements, which can put pressure on the infected perianal area and lead to the formation of perianal abscess. Less frequent bowel movements in constipation can also cause a buildup of infection-causing bacteria.

2) Do all perianal abscesses turn into fistula?

Perianal abscess increases the risk of developing a fistula, but not all abscesses turn into a fistula.Studies show that around 50% of perianal abscesses lead to the formation of a fistula.

3) Is heat good for perianal abscesses?

Studies show that warm sitz baths are effective in managing perianal abscesses. The moderate heat from the sitz bath increases blood circulation to the site and can relieve pain. 


A perianal abscess is a painful condition in which a pus-filled sac develops in the perianal area near the anus. Medical management of the perianal abscess primarily includes the incision and drainage.However, these procedures don’t guarantee complete recovery from the perianal abscess, as the recurrence rate is very high. 

You can adopt certain lifestyle habits and dietary changes to manage the condition and reduce the risk of its recurrence. Avoiding straining during bowel movements and preventing infection help in complete recovery from the abscess.

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